Moving is, without a doubt, an opportunity for new beginnings. But unless you’re moving into a brand new apartment or have decided to custom build your new home, it can take a while for your new house to feel like your true “home.”
Sure, you can make any desired renovations, create new home organization systems, and decorate it to your heart’s content, but how can you really make your house your own when you first move in— especially when there are so many reminders of the previous owners around every corner?
There isn’t one right answer to this question. But one uncommon technique you may want to try is saging your new house to invite in your own personal positive energy.
Not exactly sure how to sage your home? Here’s everything you need to know:
If you’ve ever followed a recipe that required different herbs & spices, you may recognize sage as an earthy green herb with a powerful aroma.
But aside from its common use in soups, stuffings, and other cozy recipes, sage has been used medicinally and spiritually by many cultures for over 4,000 years. In fact, Native Americans and other indigenous peoples originally created the practice of “saging,” or the act of burning sage, to purify spaces, rid them of negative energy, and promote healing and wisdom.
Fast forward to today, and burning sage is still used by new homeowners on move-in day and beyond. So if sage is on your shopping list, you can find it at your local independent herb shop, specialty grocery stores, farmers’ markets, or even online.
According to WebMD, blue sage is used for cleansing and healing, while desert sage is used for purifying and protection. White sage is the most common for smudging because of its strong and heavy presence, perfect for smudging your entire home.
Whether you call it “saging” or “smudging,” there are a few reasons why someone might want to sage their house on move-in day. And it’s not just because they enjoy the smell of sage! (Though that’s a great added bonus, if that’s the case.)
Saging your new home soon after you move in is expected to rid the space of any negative energy from the previous owner(s). People who burn sage hope to clear out any unwanted lingering energy to create a blank space for the life they’ll build in their new home. Think of it as the final step in making your house a home.
Getting started with saging or smudging your new home for the first time will take some supply shopping and patience. Follow the steps below for best practices:
At a glance, here’s what you’ll need to sage your house:
First and most obviously, you’ll need some sage to get started. You can create your own sage bundle (also known as a “smudge stick”) or purchase one online for convenience. In addition to your smudge stick, you’ll want to grab your favorite candle to keep the sage lit during the ceremony. Matches or another means of lighting your candle are a must-have here, too.
You’ll need a small bowl or tray to catch the ashes and embers that fall from the sage bundle or smudge stick. Clay bowls or abalone shells work great, and you can easily purchase them online. Finally, to wrap up your saging or smudging ritual, you’ll need a bowl of sand to properly put out the smudge stick.
Designating your ritual materials for smudging will keep their purpose sacred, so once you’ve finished the saging process, store them in a safe place for the next time you want to use them.
To prepare your home for the saging or smudging process, make sure it’s fully cleaned first. Take your time, and don’t feel the need to rush this step. An added bonus to taking the time to tidy up? It’ll also help clear your mind and put you in a positive headspace. Getting in a mindful mindset is important in preparation for your ritual.
It’s important not to set a timeline when smudging your home. Give yourself ample amount to perform your ritual in a laid-back manner. Take five minutes to meditate and calm your mind before beginning to set positive intentions. It’s best if you’re alone for the saging or smudging process, but if anyone else is home, do your best to include them in your ritual.
Step 1: Light your sage at a 45º angle with your candle, and let it burn for 10-20 seconds.
Step 2: Blow out the flame so only embers remain, and smoke will follow.
Step 3: Slowly walk around your space to allow the smoke to waft around. Professionals say it’s important to give special attention to areas in front of mirrors, corners, and spaces like entrances, hallways, and doorways. Saging underneath your laptop or cell phone is also recommended to promote positivity and good energy into your workspace and digital life.
It can also be beneficial to say a prayer, mantra, or affirmation as you go in order to make the energy cleaning more powerful and sacred.
At this point in the ritual, it’s worth saying again: Be safe! You have an active flame in your home, which can potentially be hazardous. Don’t leave your sage unattended, and don’t inhale too much of the smoke. If you see embers falling on the ground, put them out immediately, preferably with a wet towel.
Step 4: Put out your sage. When you’re all done with your ritual, push the burning end into your clay bowl or fireproof vessel. Dirt and sand in your bowl will help put out your sage safely. Make sure there is no lingering smoke coming from your sage. We don’t recommend using water to put out your sage since it will make it harder to relight next time.
Congratulations! You’ve officially saged your new home. Hopefully you feel great knowing you’ve welcomed renewed and positive energy into your space. Now get ready to create a beautiful life on this new blank slate.
If you want to sage yourself, that’s great! Simply follow the steps above, set good intentions, and try not to inhale too much smoke.
Wondering how to sage yourself while you sage your home? You can stand with your arms and legs out like a “T.” Keep your arms fully extended and wave your sage bundle or smudge stick around you, starting at your feet and working your way up. If you choose a mantra, you can say it to yourself or out loud as you wave the sage stick around your body.
There aren’t any specific timelines on when to sage again, but you can do this whenever you feel necessary. If your space or mind feels negative, crowded, or stressed, it might be time to relight your sage stick. Some people smudge daily, and others do it upon entering a new phase of their life. Your routine is totally up to you.
If you’ve never saged or smudged your home or yourself, maybe it’s time to give it a try! Moving can be an incredibly stressful process. So trying a new ritual to set good intentions and promote positive healing energy can’t hurt.
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