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Extra Space Storage Leads Industry in Sustainability Efforts

Extra Space Storage Leads Industry in Sustainability Efforts

For the third consecutive year, Extra Space Storage has been recognized as the most sustainable self storage company in the United States by the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB). The organization assesses sustainability efforts and performance of select investments, providing data that’s used by over 100 institutional and financial investors.

Extra Space Storage remains committed to creating a business built to last. Earlier this year, the company released its 2019 Sustainability Report detailing top initiatives, including environmental efforts to improve energy efficiency, water reduction, recycling, and solar production.

“We are particularly proud of our solar program, which we started a decade ago,” said Gwyn McNeal, Chief Legal Officer and Executive-in-Charge of Extra Space Storage’s Sustainability Committee.

By 2019, the solar program grew to include more than 400 solar-powered locations nationwide that produce over 26.4 GWhs of power, with even more solar being installed throughout 2020.

“We have grown our solar production again in 2020 with new installations completed across several states. Solar has been a perfect example for us of how sustainability efforts can create positive returns for every stakeholder,” McNeal added.

GRESB isn’t the only organization taking notice of Extra Space Storage’s sustainability efforts. JustCapital named Extra Space Storage as the top self storage company and one of the top 200 most just companies in America. Sustainalytics also recognized Extra Space Storage as top of the pack in self storage. Additionally, the S&P Global’s SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment awarded Extra Space Storage with a rating five times higher than the previous year’s rating.

“The fact that we are consistently recognized as a leader across many reports is a good indicator of how sustainability is built into the DNA of our company,” McNeal said. “We are creating a company that is built to last. We’re making positive decisions that are good across the board for our shareholders, employees, customers, communities and for the environment.”

Learn more about how our increasingly sustainable self storage facilities contribute to Extra Space Storage’s economic growth.