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Meet Kirchhoff, Extra Space Storage Third-Party Partner

One of the perks of being the nation’s largest third-party self storage management company is that we get to meet and work with some fantastic self storage owners and operators across the country. Among them is Kirchhoff, which Extra Space Storage is proud to have partnered with for over five years.

Kirchhoff is a real estate principal investment firm based in New York’s Hudson Valley. Led by principals Joe Kirchhoff and John Hettinger—and anchored by a deep and talented team of professionals—the firm focuses primarily on new development and redevelopment opportunities across its primary platforms of self storage, multifamily, student housing, and medical offices.

Kirchhoff was established based upon Joe Kirchhoff’s experience and expertise in the construction industry and, over the past eight years under the leadership of Kirchhoff and Hettinger, has grown its asset base and market presence substantially. The firm has developed numerous projects since its inception, and currently owns and asset manages dozens of distinct properties throughout the East Coast and in California.

Partner Spotlight: Kirchoff Companies: 2100 SW Gatlin Boulevard

Before deciding to enter the industry, Kirchhoff studied and examined self storage opportunities for several years. The firm typically self-manages its real estate properties, but Extra Space Storage provided a unique opportunity in the industry that Kirchhoff couldn’t pass up.

Extra Space Storage now manages facilities on behalf of Kirchhoff throughout South Florida and in the Northeast.

Quote from John Hettinger, Vice President of Kirchhoff

“It quickly became evident to us that the leading third-party self storage managers had cultivated differentiated platforms that would not only enable our self storage assets to thrive, but would also give our firm an opportunity to pursue a more accelerated growth trajectory for our platform than we otherwise might have,” said John Hettinger, Vice President of Kirchhoff.

Because of the significant risks associated with real estate development, Kirchhoff performs a thorough in-depth analysis and evaluation of prospective performance before investing in any new venture. Extra Space Storage’s strong reputation, loyal customers, and proven ability to retain top talent helped make Extra Space Storage the management company of choice for the firm.

Partner Spotlight: Kirchoff Companies: NW 37th Ave Storage Facility

“Extra Space Storage distinguished itself as both an exceptional manager and a true teammate with a demonstrable interest in not only helping us to succeed, but also to thoroughly understand all elements of the storage business,” Hettinger added.

As a firm with numerous assets throughout the country, Kirchhoff appreciates the connectivity that Extra Space Storage provides. Store Managers, District Managers, and District Vice Presidents work directly with Kirchhoff to provide consistent service and a customer-centric atmosphere.

Extra Space Storage’s Kenny Speegle and Eric Bishop-Berry were involved in Kirchhoff’s first self storage project and both continue to provide counsel and oversight to this day. The continuity of the relationship has also made the development process more efficient for Kirchhoff. For instance, Fred Eberhard, Jr., Kirchhoff’s Director of Construction, who has played a leading role in all of Kirchhoff’s self storage projects, has developed a tremendous familiarity with the Extra Space Storage brand that enables him to guide the company’s various contractors throughout the design and construction process.

Quote from John Hettinger, Vice President of Kirchhoff, Talking about Working with Extra Space Storage and The Dedication to Teamwork

“There is clearly a culture of teamwork and a level of pride throughout Extra Space Storage that our projects and our tenants directly benefit from,” Hettinger said.

With more than 700 third-party managed stores on the ManagementPlus platform, Extra Space Storage is the leading partner for self storage owners and operators. If you’re interested in a third-party partnership with Extra Space Storage, you can learn more about ManagementPlus here.