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Who to Notify When Moving: Your Way to a Successful Move

Who to Notify When Moving - 8 People and Places to Start

Are you in the process of moving? Are you feeling as if you are forgetting one final task on your moving checklist? Chances are, you probably haven’t thought too much about who to notify when moving.

It’s often easy to forget to notify relevant people and companies of your upcoming move and change of address. No need to worry, here’s who to notify before you move.

➤Let your family and friends know you’re moving.

Who to notify when moving for a successful move.

You have found a new house in a new neighborhood, your world is about to change! Be sure to share the great news with your family and friends. They will be just as excited as you are and they will likely offer to help in any way they can.

Don’t forget to tell your neighbors.

If you have lived in your current house for a while, you probably know your neighbors well. Before the moving trucks arrive, invite your neighbors over for a get-together and let them know you’re moving. Give your new address to a few neighbors so they can keep an eye on any items that arrive after you move. This way, they will be able to send packages to you with ease.

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➤Come Monday, notify your employer.

Let your current employer know about your upcoming move as early as a month in advance. The HR rep will need your new address to mail out important tax documents at the beginning of the year.

➤Visit the post office.

Notify the post office when moving.

To avoid any troubles or inconveniences with your mail, make sure you notify the United States Post Office of your new address. Visit the closest post office or fill out a change of address form online. You can also have your mail forwarded to your new address for one year after you move.

Mail tip:

If you’re used to getting a lot of unwanted mail, try to put a stop to your junk mail before you move. That way the new homeowners won’t have to deal with your junk mail cluttering up their mailbox.

➤Call your utility companies.

Notify your credit card companies when moving.

Let your utility providers know you’re moving at least two weeks prior to the move, so you don’t experience service lapses and past-due bills. Tell your providers when your moving day is, so the utilities are disconnected and then reconnected at your new home. You wouldn’t want to arrive at your new residence only to find the power out!

Keep in mind that utilities include:

  • Phone service
  • Cable
  • Internet
  • Gas
  • Electric
  • Water
  • Domestic waste collection
  • Other city services

➤Update your address on all of your credit cards.

Prior to or right after you move, call your credit card companies or go online and update your address for each card. After you log in, look for the change of address section on your account page. You’ll thank yourself later when you know the right zip code for each credit card when shopping.

Remember to notify loyalty cards.

After you move, don’t forget to update your new address on your loyalty cards. Many loyalty programs let you do this online. This may seem like it’s at the bottom of your list, but you could miss out on savings like rebates or coupons.


➤Visit your bank.

Your bank should have your most up-to-date address since many banks still send mail to relay important information about your account. If you use online banking, you’ll be able to update your account in a matter of a few minutes. If not, visit or call the customer service line.

  • Don’t forget to update your investment accounts, retirement accounts, and student loans.

➤Contact your doctor.

Moving to a new town means finding a different doctor for you and your family. Before you move, take some time to research doctors and dentists in your new area. This way, you can have your medical records sent to your new doctor prior to moving.

  • Remember that your previous and new doctor will need your updated address so any bills your insurance company didn’t cover will be easily settled.

➤Who else to notify when moving? Your insurance companies.

Who to notify when moving

If you’re keeping your health insurance provider, let them know you’re moving and give them your new address. The same rule goes for your life and homeowners insurance providers.

You may have to personally visit a few companies to notify them of your move, but for the most part you’ll be able to change your address online. Once you have notified essential contacts, you will feel less stressed and ready to conquer other moving tasks.  After all, moving is an exciting time in your life, so remember to enjoy the process as much as you can!

Where are you moving? What are you most excited about during this transition? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Mike Beutler

About Mike Beutler

Mike Beutler is a writer and digital content specialist who transitioned to self storage in 2020 after several years in the airline industry. His travels cultivated a passion for exploring cities across the U.S. and abroad and inspired him to learn more about practical insights for urban living. With 14 moves under his belt, both locally and cross-country, he also has a passion for minimalism and organization, and sharing tips to help others make any space feel like home while staying organized.